Art research database containing full-text journals, magazines and books and pictures covering fine, decorative and commercial art and architecture.
Bouwinformatie m.b.t. architectuur, bouwtechniek, bouwdetails en bouwkosten.
Bouwtechnische regelgeving, NEN-normen, CUR publicaties, Referentiedetails, Bouwbesluit en meer.
Collection of thousands of full text academic journals and books published by Elsevier on a variety of subjects.
Taylor & Francis Online provides access to articles from more than a thousand electronic peer-reviewed journals about natural science, technology, social science, humanities, and other disciplines.
Scholar indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across the web. Part of the Hanze Library collection is also accessible through Google Scholar if you follow this link.
Collection of Dutch and English (translation) dictionaries, including the complete Dikke Van Dale, Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus and translation dictionaries Dutch-English, -German, -French, -Spanish, -Italian, -Portuguese and -Swedish, English-French and German-French.
Also available: Van Dale NT2 Dutch, Fockema Andreae's Juridisch woordenboek, Van Dale Synoniemen Online, Van Dale Nederlands & Engels taalhandboek.