When closing a research project, it is important to archive the documents that should be preserved, and to delete those that shouldn't. Preserving the right documents is important for accreditation or to make research replicable and verifiable. Deleting documents can be important to comply with privacy regulations (GDPR), by keeping personal information no longer than is required for obtaining your research goals.
Keep the following steps in mind:
Hanze UAS has developed the HG Selection List (in Dutch), which describes the archiving guidelines for different processes at the organisation. This includes which documents should be kept and the applicable retention periods.
The HG Selection List indicates that the following documents should be archived:
It is also advisable to keep the data management plan together with the project plan.
Research data refers to all data that underlies the research results. This includes both raw data as well as edited and analysed data that are necessary to make research results transparant.
To make data available for verification purposes, it is important that a third person is able to recover the right data and able to understand its content. An understandable folder structure and version control are crucial for this purpose.
At Hanze UAS, research data should be preserved for at least five years, or longer if necessary according to the researcher. The other documents that are mentioned above should be kept permanently.
Often, a preservation period longer than five year is applied. According to the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, raw data as well as edited versions of the data should be retained for a period of time that fits the research field and research methodology. Besides this, funding organisations can also request a minimal retention period. NWO and ZonMw, for example, require research data to be preserved for at least 10 years, unless laws or regulations require differently.
Do you want to archive research data in an external repository? Check how long the repository will archive the data. DANS-EASY guarantees to preserve the data for at least ten years, while 4TU.ResearchData guarantees to preserve the data for at least 15 years.