Applying for funding

When applying for research funding, funding agencies more and more often have expectations regarding Open Science, of which data management is a part. Many funding agencies now require researchers to make data of funded projects available following the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Whether your data can be made 'FAIR', depends on several conditions.


Therefore, when writing a funding proposal, you should consider the following:

  • What are the Open Science requirements of the funding agency or this specific call?
  • What is your own attitude towards sharing research data?
  • What are the Open Science and FAIR ambitions of Hanze UAS and collaborating organisations?
  • How do the Open Science requirements of the funding agency relate to collaboration with private parties (if applicable)? 
  • What type of data will be collected or processed in the project? Do you expect any restrictions to sharing the data publicly? An important guiding principle is "as open as possible, as closed as necessary". 

Data management section

Funding agencies often include a data management section in their funding application templates. In this section, you should describe how the data during the project are stored and managed and how the data after the project will be made available. If the funding is honored, you often have to write a more elaborate data management plan in the beginning of the project.  


Hanze UAS has example texts developed (in Dutch) that you can use for the data management section in a funding proposal. This guidance is based on the template for funding proposals from SIA-RAAK.

Data management costs

Funding agencies expect you to include the costs for data management in your project budget. Utrecht University has developed a guide for an estimation of the costs of data management in research projects. This guides offers an overview of the different categories, such as data collection, storage, and security, and what costs to expect for those categories. Moreover, the guide provides information about which costs are eligible for funding.
