Cite sources with Google Scholar

Accounting for your sources with Google Scholar is very easy!

Each search result is presented with a bar with various options directly below it. 

Choose the double quotation marks in the bar:


  • a screen appears with the bibliographic description of the article in 3 styles,
  • many study programs at Hanze UAS use the APA style to refer to sources,
  • select the description in APA style and copy & paste it into the source list of the document you are writing,
  • you can also export the article to a reference manager to add to your document later.

Google Scholar and RefWorks

See here if you want to export the reference of the desired article from your search results in Google Scholar to your RefWorks account.

For more information about the reference manager RefWorks: see the Library Guide RefWorks.

Search directly in Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search
