Library consultation hour, available Mon-Fri!

On Mon-Fri, the information specialists organize both an online as well as a consultation hour on location (Zernike/Wiebenga), so that you can ask your questions about literature research. You can find the information specialist between 11:30AM-12:30PM in the pod in the back of the library at Zernike, or in the first green group project cubical of the library at Wiebenga. Is it too busy or do you prefer to helped online? Use the link below to enter the online consultation hour (also between 11:30-12:30 on Mon-Fri).


Blackboard Orientation – Howard College Every workday between 11:30 and 12:30 you can ask us your questions through​ this link in Blackboard Collaborate.
(Open this link in Google Chrome.)

Do you have questions about literature research? We would be happy to speak to you during the consultation hour!

- The information specialists of the Hanze Library

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