Golden route

There are different ways to publish your work open access: the "golden route" and the "green route". The golden Open Access route makes publications accessible to anyone, without any financial, legal or technical barriers. However, researchers (or their affiliated institute) pay a publication fee in advance to publish the article open access immediately on the publishers' platform. This fee can be as high as 2000 to 3000 euro. It becomes more common that researchers can include these publishing costs in the research application budget, when applying for research funds. You can consult your grant advisor for more information.


Green route

If you follow the green route, you make a pre- or postprint version (depending on the publisher) publicly accessible in a repository after peer review and after possible embargo period, also known as self-archiving. The Hanze University of Applied Sciences uses the repository Pure for this purpose. It is possible to include your publication in Pure as soon as it is published, but it is important to set the embargo date. Pure automatically makes the article publicly accessible as soon as the embargo has passed. There are no costs associated with the green route, but it may take longer before your research results are publicly available. The publishers' embargo periods can be checked using Sherpa Romeo or in the license agreements.

Hybrid journals

There is a distinction between publishing open access in a hybrid journal and publishing in a journal that is 100% open access. Hybrid journals are subscription journals that allow open access publication of individual articles on payment of an APC.

Diamond journals

Open access journals which are free for readers and authors are known as “diamond journals”, meaning that no APC’s or subscription costs have to be paid.

Creative Commons licenses

If you publish your article Open Access, you will be asked to choose a Creative Commons license. There are different license types, CC BY being the most permissive and CC BY-NC-ND being the least permissive one. Check if your funding body requires a certain type of license.
