What is the Code Co-Occurrence Table?

In the Code co-occurrence table you generate a table in which you can see how often a combination of two codes was linked to the same quotation.

The codes can co-occur completely (sharing exactly the same quotation), but they can also co-occur partially (they overlap at the beginning or ending of a quotation or they overlap because one quotation fully encloses the other [= one quotation completely falls within the other]).

This table looks at the number of quotations for a specific code combination, regardless of the document in which it is found. 

Video: Code Co-Occurrence Table

Step by step: Code Co-Occurrence Table

Go to the tab Analyze and choose Cooc Table.

1. Select the first set of codes you are interested in by ticking the right boxes in the upper part of the window

2. Select the second set of codes you are interested in by ticking the boxes in the lower part of the window

3. While selecting the codes, the table is generated for you. NB: an empty cell int he table means that the specific combination doesn't exist in any of the quotations.

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(Nederlandstalige Library Guide ATLAS.ti)
