What are Networks?

For a more visual analysis of the research data you can use Networks. These show relations and links between codes, quotations, documents or memo's, but also between codes and quotations or documents and quotations, for instance.

This can be useful to explain (part of) your research results, but also to show how codes or code groups are connected or linked together, for example.

NB: the Networks can be found on the tab Home (instead of the tab Analyze), next to the other Object managers!

Step by step: Networks

Open the Network Manager and choose 'Create Network'. Type in a name for your network and click 'create'. Now an empty window appears in which you can start to build your network.

Using the Explorer at the left side of the screen, you can drag different objects into your network, such as codes.

To create a relation between the codes, click on the code of your choice. Now click on the red dot, and drag the line to the next code. Now you can choose the nature of the link between the codes, e.g. is associated with, is part of, is cause of, etc.

You can also import objects that are linked to one of these codes, such as the quotations. To do so, rightclick on a code. Choose 'import neighbours' and then 'Quotation neighbours'.

And this is what your network could look like!

Other helpful resources

(Nederlandstalige Library Guide ATLAS.ti)
