Author, A., & Author, B. (Publication date). Title: Subtitle. Publisher.
Parenthetical citation: (Erdrich, 2012)
Narrative citation: Erdrich (2012)
Hurtienne, J., Löffler, D., Hüsch, C., Reinhardt, D., Tscharn, R., & Huber, S. (2020). Happy is up, sad is down: 65 metaphors for design. BIS Publishers.
Parenthetical citation: (Hurtienne et al., 2020)
Narrative citation: Hurtienne et al. (2020)
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th edition).
Parenthetical citation: (American Psychological Association, 2020)
Narrative citation: American Psychological Association (2020)
Author, A. (Publication date). Title: Subtitle. Publisher.
Domingues, M. V. J. P. (2021). Energy costs and farm characteristics in the European union : Highlighting linkages with structural and policy dimensions. Springer.
Parenthetical citation: (Domingues, 2021)
Narrative citation: Domingues (2021)
Author, A. (Publication date). Title: Subtitle. Publisher. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx or https://xxxx
McKinney, M., Pattison, K., LeMire, S., Anders, K., & Nicole Hagstrom-Schmidt, N. (Eds.). (2022). Howdy or Hello? Technical and Professional Communication (2nd. edition). Texas A&M University. Retrieved May 31, 2022, from
Parenthetical citation: (McKinney et al., 2022)
Narrative citation: McKinney et al. (2022)
If you have consulted a chapter from a book that was compiled by one or more editors, refer to that chapter.
The source reference contains information about both the chapter and the book. It works as follows:
Author, A. (Publication date). Chapter title: Subtitle. In A. Editor(Ed.), Book title: Subtitle (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.
Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents in the study of persuasion. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., pp. 115–129). Routledge.
Parenthetical citation: (Dillard, 2020)
Narrative citation: Dillard (2020)
Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.
Parenthetical citation: (Zeleke et al., 2020)
Narrative citation: Zeleke et al. (2020)
When a word is looked up in a reference work (dictionary or encyclopedia) to be sure of its meaning it does not need to be referenced.
If you quote or paraphrase from a reference work, you ought to include it in the reference list.
The general source citation of a reference work does not differ from that of a book, but often reference works have only editor(s) or no author(s) at all.
Author, A. (Publication date). Title. Publisher.
Zalta, E. N. (Ed.). (2019). The Standford encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2019 ed.). Standford University.
Parenthetical citation: (Zalta, 2019)
Narrative citation: Zalta (2019)
Parenthetical citation: (Oxford paperback French dictionary, 2010)
Narrative citation: Oxford paperback French dictionary (2010)
Kloft, J. (Bearb.). (1979). Inventar des Urkundenarchivs der Fürsten von Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg zu Schönstem/Sieg. In Band 2 Regesten Nr. 451 bis 1050 (pp. 1467-1536). Rheinland-Verlag.
Parenthetical citation: (Kloft, 1979)
Narrative citation: Kloft (1979)
Lemma. (year, Month day ). In Title reference work. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx of https://xxxx
Parenthetical citation ("ADHD", 2020)
Narrative citation: "ADHD" (2020)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Article title. Journal Title, volume(number), pages.
McCauley, S. M., & Christiansen, M. H. (2019). Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychological review, 126(1), 1.
Parenthetical citation: (McCauley & Christiansen, 2019)
Narrative citation: McCauley and Christiansen (2019)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Article title. Journal Title, volume(number), pages.
Lachner, A., Backfisch, I., Hoogerheide, V., Van Gog, T., & Renkl, A. (2020). Timing matters! Explaining between study phases enhances students’ learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(4), 841–853.
Parenthetical citation: (Lachner et al., 2020)
Narrative citation: Lachner et al. (2020)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Article title. Journal Title, volume(number), pages. Retrieved Month day, year, from http(s)://xxxx
Stegmeir, M. (2016). Climate change: New discipline practices promote college access. The Journal of College Admission, (231), 44–47. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from
Parenthetical citation: (Stegmeir, 2016)
Narrative citation: Stegmeir (2016)
Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Name newspaper, page number of section.
Parenthetical citation: (Hess, 2019)
Narrative citation: Hess (2019)
Author, A. (year, Month day). Title of article. Newspaper name. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx or https://xxxx
Gander, K. (2020, 29 April). COVID-19 vaccine being developed in Australia raises antibodies to neutralize virus in pre-clinical tests. Newsweek. Retrieved June 30, 2020 from vaccine-neutralize-virus-1500849
Parenthetical citation: (Gander, 2020)
Narrative citation: Gander (2020)
Author, A. (Publication date). Title (Issue number or volume). Publisher
The Council of Europe Youth Sector. (n.d.). Youth for Democracy: The Councile of Europe Youth for Democracy Programme [Brochure]. The Council of Europe.
Parenthetical citation: (The Council of Europe Youth Sector, n.d.)
Narrative citation: The Council of Europe Youth Sector (n.d.)
Author, A. (Publication date). Title (issue number or volume). Publisher. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx or https://xxxx
Boone, J. (2020). Pricing above value: Selling to an adverse selection market (Discussion paper 2020-023). Tilburg University. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from
Parenthetical citation: (Boone, 2020)
Narrative citation: Boone (2020)
Author, A. (Publication year). Title of thesis [Description]. Name of institution.
Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school leaders [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Virginia.
Parenthetical citation: (Harris, 2014)
Narrative citation: Harris (2014)
Author, A. (Publication year). Title of thesis [Description, Name of institution]. Name database or archive.
Kabir, J. M. (2016). Factors influencing customer satisfaction at a fast food hamburger chain: The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Publication No. 10169573) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Parenthetical citation: (Kabir, 2016)
Narrative citation: Kabir (2016)
Author, A. (Publication year). Title of theses [Description, Name of institution]. Name database or archive. Retrieved Month day, year from http(s)://xxxx
Zambrano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.
Parenthetical citation: (Zambrano-Vazquez, 2016)
Narrative citation: Zambrano-Vazquez (2016)
Published dissertation or thesis references are covered in Section 10.6 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition
Parenthetical citation: (Blanpain et al., 2002)
Narrative citation: Blanpain et al. (2002)
The title is in front and the date is the day of issue. In the text you may refer to a specific article and/or section number.
Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society. (2001, June 22). Official Journal of the European Communities, (L 167), 10-19. Retrieved April 11, 2022 from
Parenthetical citation: (Directive 2001/29/EC, 2001, Article 8)
Narrative citation: Directive 2001/29/EC (2001, Article 8)
Presenter, A. (Year, Month day). Title of contribution [Type of contribution]. Conference name, Location. Retrieved Month day, year, from https://xxxx
Evans, A. C., Jr., Garbarino, J., Bocanegra, E., Kinscherff, R. T., & Márquez-Greene, N. (2019, August 8–11). Gun violence: An event on the power of community [Conference presentation]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States. Retrieved March 20, 2022 from
Parenthetical citation: (Evans et. al, 2019)
Narrative citation: Evans et al. (2019)
Author, A. (Publication Date). Title (T. Translator, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year)
Narrative citation: Coelho (1988/1993)
Piaget, J. (1972). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adulthood (J. Bliss & H. Furth, Trans.). Human Development, 15(1), 1–12. (Original work published 1970)
Parenthetical citation: (Piaget, 1970/1972)
Narrative citation: Piaget (1970/1972)