How do I search for a specific ebook?

Looking for a specific e-book quickly? 

Then enter the title and (if you know it) the author's surname in HanzeWorldCat's search bar, and press enter.
If you want to search more precisely, put the title between "double quotes", or search by a book's ISBN code. 

Often, your searched title will now be among the first results!

If that is not the case, you can use filters on the left side to make the search results more specific. For example, you can filter by type of item, click here on eBook to search for an e-book in our collection.


Is your book not listed? You can check whether another library in the Netherlands has the book available, and submit a loan request to them. This does involve administration/shipping fees. Read more about borrowing from other libraries here.

There is also an advanced search function. You get to this advanced screen by clicking 'Advanced search' below the search button.

On the next screen, you can now specify in more detail what you are looking for. For instance, do you know the ISBN of a book? Then you can change the search field to ISBN and enter it after it. You are now more certain that you will find the right print.

If you want, you can add more details, such as the author, or title of a book. 

And how do I open the e-book now?

When you have found the e-book in HanzeWorldCat, this logo will appear:

Below the description, you will see which editions are available in the Hanze Library collection. At the bottom of the block, click 'View all 3' to explore other printings and material types.

You can click directly on the View eBook button, or on Online access if multiple links are available. Either way, this blue button will take you to the e-book.

Note! Be aware that just like a printed book, an ebook may be in use by someone else. 

Do you get a notification that the e-book is occupied? Then try accessing it again at another time, if possible using the other link in the search results, or see if you can access a printed version at the Hanze Library. 

