HanzeWorldCat can search many of the databases we have access to, but not all of them. For your information: the A-Z list of databases contains more than 160 databases, you can use HanzeWorldCat to search through a selection of databases.
Do you want to search a specific database? Then it is wise to go directly to that database and start your search there. You can access a list of all databases from WorldCat, though! Under the 'Links' menu (at the top or bottom of the screen), click on Databases (A-Z). In this alphabetical database list, you can immediately see what is and what is not searchable with WorldCat. This is indicated by this blue icon:
Don't know which databases fit your search query? Then the Library Guide for your programme is a good place to start. It lists the most frequently used databases for your programme with the direct link. You can also access the Library Guides via the 'Links'.