How do I search for a specific article

Looking for a specific article quickly? 

Then enter (part of) the title and (if you know it) the surname of the author(s) in HanzeWorldCat's search bar, and press enter.
If you want to search more precisely, put the title between "double quotes".

The search engine will do its best to find your article in the collection and databases it can search. If your article is listed in one of these, it should now appear among the first search results.

Are there a lot of results? Use the filters on the left to filter by material type to see only the articles in the collection. You can also use publication date as a filter.

Is your article not listed? Try searching by the journal it was published in. You can find more tips on searching journals here.

There is also an advanced search function. You get to this advanced screen by clicking 'Advanced search' below the search button.

On the next screen, you can now specify in more detail what you are looking for. In the first bar, for instance, you can enter the name of the author(s), and in the second bar (part of) the title of the article. You may even know the name of the journal in which the article was published, which you can also add in a third bar.

You can add more details if you want, but usually you will find the article you want with the combination of name and title.

Broader search?

Are you not looking for a single article, but want to orientate on a topic and search for more? Then your search strategy will also be different from when you search for a single article title. We have listed some tips for you here:

- Want to learn the difference between popular articles and scientific articles first? Check this Dutch Library Guide.
- Want to set up a search strategy to find as many reliable and relevant articles in a row as possible? Then take a look here.
- Are you taking an Evidence Based Practice course at the Wiebenga? Then you should read tips here.
- Want to find all articles from a specific journal in a row? Then search for the journal here.
- Ready to search but don't know which database is the best starting point for you(r studies)? Look for tips in your program's Library Guide.
