How do I search for different materials?

Are you looking for a material other than a book, such as a DVD (at Minerva) or a game (at Zernike or Wiebenga), or an online thesis? If you know (part of) the title, you can enter it directly in HanzeWorldCat's search bar.

Then use the filters on the left to specify the type of material.

If all goes well, you should find the item you are looking for!

If not: try out some other material types too, maybe the item is not listed as a 'game' in our system but as an 'experiment material' or a 'kit'. Looking for an online thesis? Then check the HBO knowledge base, there are many theses in there too.

When you start searching via the advanced search screen, you can immediately specify which material types you want to search. In this menu, choose for instance 'Video games, board games, etc'. Fill in part of the title of the material, for example, and you will probably see your wanted item at the top of the search results.
